As a boy I loved to read. I'd read just about anything. I remember most the "Big Red" books, and I read "Andersonville" when I was about 12 years old. After I enlisted and for 22 years I didn't have as much time to read but I still kept busy. I read a lot of commercial paperback stuff, swallowed them whole. Soon after forced retirement at 59 years old, I discovered the difference between "literature" and "commercial". I'm 71 now and find I can't read the commercial stuff any more. If the author writes more than two books a year, it probably isn't worth my time. If he hasn't got time to research it properly, I ain't got time to waste on it. If a book is written by somebody else and stuck a familiar author's name on it, I won't read it. I like to have a look at "first novels" and check out award winners. At the moment I'm reading Hick Lit when I can find it.